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Blog Post 3

This is Header 2, or H2. Your SEO keywords + phrases should be found here.

Your SEO keywords should also be found in the first paragraph. A paragraph should be no more than 3-5 lines long and no more than 5 inches wide for easy, scannable, scrollable reading. Keep your text formatting super simple. Use bold text (Ctrl + B) or bold italics (Ctrl + B and Ctrl + I) for emphasis when writing for the web. Don’t underline – underline is used to denote links.

Your text should be one, boring readable color in a boring, readable font. You can use fun colors and fonts in your headers, but don’t use them in your paragraphs. Use your SEO keywords and phrases and questions often, but make sure it sounds natural. Remember, you’re writing for humans first, not algorithms.

Use H2 throughout your blog post like an outline.

Each H2 will let the reader know what’s in the next couple of paragraphs. It also breaks up big chunks of text and makes them more scannable, especially on mobile devices. Naturally add your SEO keywords in your H2 headings as appropriate.

If you want to learn more about SEO strategy, check out my Tech Masterclass Bundle.

Link Best Practices + SEO

Links should be a different color and bolded to stand out from main text. In every blog post, try to link to two internal pages (meaning pages or blog posts on your own site) and two external pages (meaning pages and blog posts on other people’s sites). Google likes when you create relevant links.

Links to internal sites should open in the same browser window while links to external sites should open in a new browser window.

Image Best Practices

When you add an image to your site, make sure it’s clear and not fuzzy, and that you’ve set a title and Alt Text at upload that describes the image (and uses your SEO keywords if applicable and relevant). Images help break up big blocks of text and make blog posts more readable and scannable.

Calls to Action

Every blog post should have a clear call to action, whether it’s to join your email list, check out a product in your store, follow you on social media, share the post on social, leave a comment or some other action that leads people closer to becoming a customer. Tell people what you want them to do and what is available for them to do, don’t think they’ll just figure it out on their own.


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